Comic Con 2012 Thursday Costumes
Got to Comic Con today to find many more costumes than last night. I quickly took to the crowd flagging down anyone who had a legitimately decent costume.
First I want to note my three favorite at the event today.
DayZ character in starter gear using voice chat to find out if your friendly. I wanted to see a Comic Con DayZ outfit but I could not imagine it. When i saw this I thought he nailed it.
Dick in a box Comic Con costume. Need I say more...
Queen of blades costume was awesome. About 5 people wide with the wing bones stretching out pretty far.. I hope she got some time to look at the floor before putting that costume on.
This guy is pointing up to the picture above.
B.B. Hood pretty awesome.
TF2 Medic. Saw a quite a few TF2 today.
Little mermaid.
Countless adventure time costumes today, these three had a group costume which made them more noticeable.
Dr. Horrible
Hall H line...
White ranger.
Blues Brothers
Shell Shock Master Chief
Sims costume stood out for uniqueness.
Happy Jedi is Happy.
This guy was actually on his phone, not posing... Sorry.
Line to get into the floor... only a small part of it.
There is waldo.
Twilek and Johnny Cage.
Lincoln steam punk.
One of many Hunger Games Costumes.
Lost In Space robot real life.
Metal Gar Guard.
Hotel Transylvania. I saw footage of the movie at the panel. Pretty awesome stuff. I would recommend seeing it.
Johnny Depp Clones... Mad Hatters
Quail Man.
Journey Androgyny costume
Two Face awesome costume
Lea with the scoundrels
Sack Boy Costume.
Big Bird Costume
Wilfreds peeing on a fire hydrant .
Gir Costume
Awesome zombie I am pretty sure she was the one why scared the crap out of me last year too.
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