Wow Macro Editor Update

Wow Macro Editor is back!
This weekend went out and bought a new server for Wow Macro Editor to live on. I had to transfer everything over from the old server which was shutting down every 5 minutes. So now after a long eventful weekend, and programming / server configuration, we finally have the site back up. 

First thing you will notice in the image above is the fact that we now have a theme that is a bit different from the default MVC3 color scheme. We did this simply by using J Query UI Theme roller classes to paint the website. 

Now if we ad a theme picker to the page it will re style the whole website, not just the JQuery UI Widgets. I do plan to ad this when I ultimately make the user profile editor page. 

Create Macros without logging in!
We have made it so you can now create macros without having to log in. Hitting create macro in the menu now lets you make a macro for World of Warcraft without logging in. We are also going to work on adding OpenID authentication soon. Logging in does have its benefits. For example saving and sharing you macros.

Auto Complete Search!
Lastly I get to show off the Auto Completed search, and new style for the macro browser. Here we have a similar styling as mentioned above. The site is a lot better off now than it was and I plan to continue working on getting the editor to what it should be. If you have suggestions for the site, please leave them in the comments!

Link to Wow Macro Editor!


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