Brainstorming the Golden Circle

I recently watched this TED talk on the Golden Circle. It boils down to the idea that you should present your game/company by saying “Why, How, then What” (watch the video if you don’t know what I am talking about) I thought to do a brainstorming session where I just spit out many of these to see if I could get good at it. He following are just off the top of my head but now I am wondering which one I should use if any at all. I would like feedback in the comments. I believe my Why here is always that I would like to use the cutting edge technologies like Machine Learning and Procedural Generation to produce content for games that will be a custom fit for the players.
Do the following get that idea across?

Why How What:

We believe in using the latest in software automation to customize your experiences. Our marriage between Machine Learning, Evolutionary Algorithms and Procedural Generation will bring out the best in our products. We create the games, apps, and tools you did not know you wanted yet.

We want to explore the boundaries of what a small indie developer can accomplish. We believe Automation, Procedural Generation, and Machine Learning will make the most expansive and intelligent games, apps, and tools. We make the most Deadly Apps.

When we were young we always had a new experience in games as they were released. These days it’s always more of the same. We believe it’s time to bring back the new by fusing the old with the new. We use the latest tools and the best systems. We build new games grounded in the best of what was.

Why: To merry machine learning with procedural generation. How: The best tools. What: Make the most Deadly Apps

Bringing you the most expansive experience is out goal. We use the latest in Machine Learning and Procedural Generation to build infinite worlds. We make the biggest games.

We want your attention desperately. We intend to distract you with the most random games ever created. We make deadly apps.

People, Technology, Games
We believe in engrossing people. Our technology lets us pull you in. We make immersive games.

Exploration, Procedural Generation, Experiences
Our love is for explorations. We bring you the most expansive environments through procedural generation. We make great experiences.

Automated Customization, Machine Learning, Catered Content
Have you ever wanted your games to conform to you? We use machine learning to enhance your experiences. We deliver real time catered content.

Evolution, Agility, Tools
Aid, IPhone, Apps


What do you think? Am I crazy? I guess this was an interesting exersize regardless. If it works out then I will use one of these in an about page and start working on this style in my descriptions of my games.

Please leave feedback in the comments or talk to me on twitter @DeadlyApps


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